Monday 22 November 2010

this guard animal design i think is more humorous, therefore gives the animal a personality the horns did not work as well as i expected but the were cut out neatly therefor of a good standard.  

this image works well but could have been better, i think that the crab claw looks slightly out of place but we had to choose 3 images to combine and this is the one which looked best.

i think that this guard animal is also one of my best that i have produced as everything works well together .The antlers could have been neater but the were very intricate and i could not quite get to them.i think that the base background of the water works well with the image and gives it more of an atmospere. 

this is one of the first guard animals that i had created on photoshop therefore not my best. I think that i could improove the image by getting rid of the background and choosing less pixelated images.  

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